My experience having a demonic name
So my name has been lucifer for a few years now i get alot of questions about it. I still go out to bars/clubs every now and then with people i know. Some people are chill with it, alot cant believe thats my name. You gotta express yourself and be prepared for the backlash if you wanna raise some hell way i see it. As far as work goes the best jobs i would say is doordash or something remote like programming cause its gonna get old dealing with the repeated questions about your name. Working with disabled people is a good job cause people and staff are more laid back. Most people would want to call u by another name cause demonic names are hard to pronounce or they just dont like saying it. I personally dont care as long as they know what my name is. My first, middle and last name is demonic so its kinda funny going into places to do paperwork, some have questions and sometimes its whatever. Ive looked into many satanic organizations like church of satan and joy of satan but i think i would rather blog and see if i can find like minded people. Sorry about my previous post i need to work on proofreading i dont usually do blogs
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